GladOS - portal - robots - ai

GladOS - portal - robots - ai #IQdbL4bx
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #xMQTzB5h
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #CBtqxAeq
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #wDS0WsH1
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #VHlPcrme
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #jQtx5d1K
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #h13HFiyx
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #GF9ya3rU
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #DobptYIX
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #tM9usHeB
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #N1fgdKhB
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #3VnHTh9K
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #4Hd9lG7z
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #T92pmoZv
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #vOaxAH74
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #eyZHs7I9
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #3c3FCVZz
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #BUctieqR
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #9Ab0ohn9
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #dirmUlCL
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #qhmNInc8
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #EjdQL0wK
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #GJXflg8u
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #WqajFpb8
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #krxa8udw
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #MCwtx7K5
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #vpO7w8FJ
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #NIm1lpAM
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #ZQkIbgKm
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #viJxgqz4
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #I6f5BuBh
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #pFBaysMl
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #3KlGl2cJ
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #afQPuI20
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #FhWI7Pts
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #GrSgoxf2
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #8PI3dHak
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #2TU0WCQH
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #TraAGFTv
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #NzLkefR9
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #jtUW7M35
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #sQqgjBfl
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #lkoGZsBF
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #myCVtzxD
GladOS - portal - robots - ai #wg89CAqJ


[удалено] Oh FUCK yes, GLaDOS was one of my first crushes as a kid, ngl. As weird as that sounds.
unbeknownst OP Haha; not weird at all. She has a cute voice. :3
[удалено] I'd love to know where that voice vid came from, and if there are more like it..
unbeknownst OP Yeah that one is so fucking good but that's the only one that's like that so far. They have a few other videos but none like that. Hopefully they'll make more.
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