
Why? #JAkm0Vt0


gregzed for copyright issue... :)
leonardoess but why the copyright?
orientalman89 Not just you, many had the same from what I see today
gregzed If an authorized company requests the removal of a content by DMCA, it must be removed. Nothing else.
AltFukYoMama It's because you had the pornstars name in the title. That's why a majority of mass posters have titles relating to the content and not the "star"
leonardoess they still take down some when i do it that way, Altfukyomama
Schattenlust Am Besten im Titel keine Pornstar-Namen verwenden. / Don't use pornstar names
FireyBrick I've had a couple things removed recently after being up for well over a year with no issue. Not sure what's changed for them to get taken down so soon after each other
leonardoess same thing Fireybrick
leonardoess and it's starting to ramp-up
leonardoess danke für die info jungs
JojoZeke Same for me today for 7 old albums with no company links
leonardoess me too, seems to be mosty the oldies
ShadowOwl deleted my stuff too how can it be copyright when it’s MY stuff
ShadowOwl im boycotting this site cuz i lost stuff i made and paid for
UNREDACTED @alt less than half have name
AltFukYoMama Welp, best to assume there's false takedowns being made by a single and/or a group of people who would prefer to keep the content to themselves
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