sph 388



theduke555 OP What are you trying to say jo_popo?, your is comment is blank
notmyday90 hey im kinda new to this platform. from what i can gather, people intentionally avoid posting videos with real names to avoid takedowns. so is there any easier way to find someone other than by their name?
theduke555 OP Well my vids show everything no editing.
theduke555 OP In the video you clearly can see who she is.
notmyday90 yes i get that. my question is, a lot of people avoid posting real name (rightly so) and i actually found this by pure luck. Would there be any other way to find hidden gems like this?
theduke555 OP I don't think so ( on my exp). Like you said people avoid using real names.
theduke555 OP You found my collection by pure luck.
NaughtyFox5 @notmyday90. if you see a video/girl you like, follow that poster, chances are that he likes the girl himself and is likely to have posted more of her previously, or will later. Also he may post similar girls or tastes/topics. Good luck.
theduke555 OP Maybe more of her on my four site will see.
NaughtyFox5 @theduke555 What is your four site?
theduke555 OP NaughtyFox5. Details on xhamster site soon.
NaughtyFox5 @theduke555 thanks
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